St. Luke's Academy

Inspiring Excellence
Online Enrolment Form
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Fields marked with an * are required

Student enrolling in:
Student's Name
Child’s Age as of August 31st prior to Start Date 
Student is a:
Student's Address

List of all educational facilities enrolled at including the year(s) of attendance:

Has the child ever submitted an application to St. Luke’s Academy
Is the Child a Returning Student, Previously Enrolled at St Luke’s Academy
Please select Mother's/Guardian's Preferred Title
Mother's/Guardian's Full Name
Mother's/Guardian’s Address: If different from students address
Mother's/Guardian’s Personal Email
Mother's/Guardian’s Work Email
Please select Father's/Guardian’s Preferred Title
Father's/Guardian’s Full Name
Father's/Guardian’s Address: If different from students address.
Father's/Guardian’s Work Email
Emergency Contact/Guardian's Name
Primary Contact for School Notices and Updates via Email
Primary Contact for urgent or Time - Sensitive WhatsApp Notices
Primary Contact for All Emails Related to Accounts & Payments
Does the child have any family currently or previously enrolled at St. Luke’s Academy
If yes , which House were they in
Name of Pediatrician
Immunisations Up to Date
In Case of Emergency, is permission granted to take child to hospital
Is permission granted to use pictures or videos of your child taken either at school or on outings on the school's website/facebook or in advertising/flyers etc. even after the child is no longer enrolled with us or graduates
We hereby state that all the information provided on this form is true and accurate
Name of person completing the online application:
Have you ever done a school tour at St. Luke's Academy before?
Would you be interested in having a school tour?